Healing is in your Hands


Personalized wound care services

Arch Wound Care Mobile Team offers simple, complex and advanced wound management for longterm care facilities across the Greater St. Louis area. With almost 23 years of combined wound care experience, we are able to assess each wound individually, formulate a treatment plan, communicate with the facility and their staff and refer to other specialists if necessary.

Thorough & Accurate Documentation is Important 

With Arch Wound Care…


Electronic medical records meet CMS standards


Documentation is done bi-weekly at patient’s bedside


Documentation is provided within a 24-hour period

Types of Wounds Treated


Non-penetrating Wounds

These are usually the result of blunt trauma or friction with other


Penetrating Wounds

These result from trauma that breaks through the full thickness of skin;
reaching down to the underlying tissue and organs


Miscellaneous Wounds

These may include thermal, chemical and electrical wounds. 

Contact Us

Arch Wound Care is here to assist your facility with any of your wound care needs!